Online drumming service
Get live drums for your music
Professional drum recordings for your music production
Are you looking for authentic grooves & energy for your songs?
Then you are exactly right on this website. We offer your personal online drumming and recording services.
Fritz “Freeman” Rittmüller (drummer, singer and sound technician for more than 40 years) plays well-versed, tight drum tracks according to your wishes. Freeman has drummed almost every musical genre. From rock, pop, blues and country to jazz and funk, Freeman is at home in many styles of music.
Live drums bring more life and attitude to your music.
High quality drum equipment from Troyan Zachow Drums, Ludwig, DW, Gretsch, Sabian, Zildjian and many more offer a wide range of different drum sounds and directions.
Great recording rooms and modern technology complete the sound package. The Faceline Recording Studios team supports you in processing the recordings and transferring the data. You can be there on-site or virtually via video conference while your song is recorded and your wishes will flow directly into it.
For sound samples & videos of past productions, just scroll down.
book your virtual studio drummer now
129€ / Song
up to 5 minutes length. Order acceptance only after sending a demo. We would be happy to make you an individual offer. Price includes 19% VAT.

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